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Chaetal arrangement and chaetogenesis of hooded hooks in Lumbrineris (Scoletoma) fragilis and Lumbrineris tetraura (Eunicida, Annelida). Invertebr Biol.

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doi:10. Tilic E, von Döhren J, Quast B, Beckers P, Bartolomaeus T. Phylogenetic significance of chaetal arrangement and chaetogenesis in Maldanidae (Annelida).

Zoomorphology. doi:10.

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Bartolomaeus T. Construction and Development of Thoracic and Abdominal Uncini in Fabricia stellaris (Müller, 1774) – Implication for the Evolution of Sabellida (Annelida). Zool Anz – A J Comp Zool. Bartolomaeus T. Structure and development of the uncini in Pectinaria koreni , Pectinaria auricoma (Terebellida) and Spirorbis spirorbis (Sabellida): inplications for annelid phylogeny and the position of the Pogonophora.

Zoomorphology. Kolbasova GD, Tzetlin AB, Kupriyanova EK. Chaetal reduction and substitution in Pseudopotamilla reniformis (Sabellida, Annelida).

Invertebr Biol.

doi:ten. Bobin G. Morphogénèse des soies chez les annélides polychètes. Ann L’institut Océanographique. Bartolomaeus T, Meyer K.

Progress and phylogenetic importance of hooked setae in Arenicolidae (Polychaeta, Annelida). Invertebr Biol. Meyer R, Bartolomaeus T. Ultrastruktur und Morphogenese der Hakenborsten bei Psammodrilus balanpglossoides – Bedeutung für die Stellung der Psammodrilida (Annelida). Microfauna Marina. Bartolomaeus T.

Chaetogenesis in polychaetous Annelida: significance for annelid systematics and the place of the Pogonophora. Zoology.

Meyer K, Bartolomaeus T. Ultrastructure and formation of the hooked setae in Owenia fusiformis delle Chiaje, 1842: implications for annelid phylogeny. Can J Zool. doi:ten. Schulze A.

Ultrastructure of opisthosomal chaetae in Vestimentifera (Pogonophora, Obturata) and implications for phylogeny. Acta Zool. Bartolomaeus T, Purschke G, Hausen H. Polychaete phylogeny based on morphological facts – a comparison of present tries. In: Bartolomaeus T, Purschke G, editors. Morphology, Molecules, Evolution and Phylogeny in Polychaeta and Similar Taxa. Netherlands: Springer 2005. p. Blumer MJF, Gahleitner P, Narzt T, Handl C, Ruthensteiner B. Ribbons of semithin sections: an innovative method with a new form of diamond knife. J Neurosci Solutions. Kremer JR, Mastronarde DN, McIntosh JR. Pc visualization of 3-dimensional image data employing IMOD. J Struct Biol. Lana Personal computer, Gruet Y. Sabellaria wilsoni sp. n. (Polychaeta, Sabellariidae) from the southeast coastline of Brazil. Zool Scr. Kirtley DW. A critique and taxonomic revision of the spouse and children Sabellariidae Johnston, 1865 (Annelida: Polychaeta). Vero Beach front, FL: Sabecon Press 1994. Capa M, Faroni-perez L, Hutchings P. Sabellariidae from Lizard Island, Terrific Barrier Reef, which includes a new species of Lygdamis and notes on external morphology of the median organ. Zootaxa. Souza dos Santos A, Dos Santos Brasil AC, Christoffersen ML. Sabellaria and Lygdamis (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) from reefs off northeastern Brazil which include a new species of Sabellaria. Zootaxa. Woodin SA, Merz RA. Holding on by their hooks: anchors for worms. Evolution. Merz RA. Textures and traction: how tube-dwelling polychaetes get a leg up. Invertebr Biol. doi:ten. Roy PA. Tube dwelling actions in the marine annelid Phragmatopoma californica (Fewkes)(Polychaeta: Sabellariidae). Bull South Calif Acad Sci. Le Cam J-B, Fournier J, Etienne S, Couden J. The toughness of biogenic sand reefs: Visco-elastic conduct of cement secreted by the tube building polychaete Sabellaria alveolata, Linnaeus, 1767.

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